Title: Coming Soon - Season Two The host announces that season two of the podcast "50 Things That Made the Modern Economy" will be launching on March 25, 2019. The first episode of season two will focus on a particular kind of beehive and how it changed beekeeping. The host reminds listeners that last season they held a competition to pick a 51st thing to be featured. All the items on the shortlist from that competition will now be full episodes in season two, including the pencil, glass, GPS, and spreadsheet. Some other listener-suggested items like the bicycle, slot machine, and gyroscope will also be featured in the new season. The host encourages listeners to download and listen to season one if they haven't already, and to subscribe so they don't miss any episodes of season two, starting March 25th.
Fifty more things are on their way! Including the pencil, blockchain, bicycle, credit ratings and gambling. Tim Harford will return with season two on 25 March 2019. #50Things